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Should You Consider Implant Birth Control?

There has never been a better time to explore your contraceptive options. A look at the numbers makes this clear. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 62% of reproductive-age women use contraception. This translates to a $7.6 billion market. This user level and amount of investment has helped create a plethora of options. With so many methods, it may be hard to choose what’s right for you.

Many birth control methods require you to keep the contraceptive device handy or follow a strict pill regimen. If you have a busy, hectic life, these may not be the best solutions. That’s where implant birth control may help. These tiny devices offer birth control for up to three years with little upkeep. They truly make birth control easy and carefree.  

Birth control is just one aspect of a women’s health care needs. At Southern Crescent Women’s HealthCare, our team is here to help you with all of your health care needs. With multiple obstetricians and gynecologists on staff, we’re here to help you lead a happy and healthy life.

Implant basics

An implant, which is a small plastic rod about the size of a matchstick, is inserted into your upper arm, where it can remain for up to three years. The rod is inserted at a depth that will not be visible to the naked eye, but it can be located by touch. Implants can also be located with an X-ray.

Implant removal is fairly quick. After numbing the area, your doctor makes a small incision near the implant location and pulls it out.

How implant birth control works

The rod releases a slow, steady dose of the hormone etonogestrel, which is a form of progesterone. The hormone works as birth control in three ways:

Benefits of implant birth control

One of the best things about implant birth control is the fact that you don’t have to think about it. Once placed, there is literally nothing you need to do until it needs to be removed.  

It’s also one of the more effective forms of birth control. Fewer than 1% of women who use implants become pregnant. While using two forms of birth control will always help keep your risk of getting pregnant lower, implants do a good job on their own. For comparison, 15% of women who use condoms as their sole means of birth control will get pregnant.

Unlike other long-term birth control methods, fertility will return almost immediately after an implant is removed. Implants have also been shown to work well for women who have had adverse reactions to estrogen-based birth control. 

Finally, implant birth control may lessen or stop your periods. Although progesterone may not totally block your ovaries from releasing eggs, it should reduce the length, frequency, and amount of bleeding of your periods.

Are you ready to learn more about implant birth control? If so, book an appointment online or over the phone with Southern Crescent Women’s HealthCare today.

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